Das hab ich von meinem Bruder, der bei myspace.com ein ganzes Freundenetzwerk aufgebaut hat...
...fands lustig. Zum nachmachen...
Go to the Google search engine and type in your name + needs after it; ex. "John needs" and copy down the first line of the description of the first website that appears. It should say something like, "John needs a shave".
1. Rachelle needs to make peace with that transvestite from downtown. (Who knew?)
2. "Mignon needs to die." Huh, I thought I was already dead...
3. SHANNON NEEDS HELP SHE CANT CONTROL HERSELF AND SHE NEEDS TO STOP HUMPING HER PARENTS..I swear this is the first thing that came up..how funny!!
4. Beau needs to use a wheelchair for distances or when he is having a particularly hard time.
5. Kaci needs to date someone her own age! That’s the only true way to be evenly matched in a partnership of love
6. We need your prayers through these long nights that Candace will be in ... Candace needs your prayers right now!
7. Aleacia need a man....thats what it says
8. Charity ~ Charity Needs: Can you donate! Come on! You know you can!
9. Jennifer needs to take a cold shower.
10. Amber needs to go and, as the toilet is locked, she pees a lake on the garage floor. (GUESS I HAD TO GO REAL BAD!!! LMAO)
11. Sophie needs to make an appearance in canada...huh, do i now?
12. Mike- Needs, Recent and past columns from Akron Beacon Journal public editor Mike Needs. Contact Mike Needs at (330) 996-3860 or e-mail at ...
13. Ellie needs a place to stay. Beautiful Ellie needs a home. Ellie needs the water) --- Screamed at maximum volume when I turned off the garden hose she was spraying.Ellie needs help with suicidal thoughts. Ellie needs her little pleasures. Ellie needs to be crated when she is home alone. The last thing Ellie needs is to fall for the wrong guy. Ellie needs more then $ 8300 monthly to maintain her lifestyle. Ellie needs a husband or her father's odious fiancee will choose one for her. (Nur so, ich muss mich hier anders buchstabieren da sonst jeder denkt ich sei maennlich->"Eli=>I-lie")
Let me know what yours says.
Go to the Google search engine and type in your name + needs after it; ex. "John needs" and copy down the first line of the description of the first website that appears. It should say something like, "John needs a shave".
1. Rachelle needs to make peace with that transvestite from downtown. (Who knew?)
2. "Mignon needs to die." Huh, I thought I was already dead...
3. SHANNON NEEDS HELP SHE CANT CONTROL HERSELF AND SHE NEEDS TO STOP HUMPING HER PARENTS..I swear this is the first thing that came up..how funny!!
4. Beau needs to use a wheelchair for distances or when he is having a particularly hard time.
5. Kaci needs to date someone her own age! That’s the only true way to be evenly matched in a partnership of love
6. We need your prayers through these long nights that Candace will be in ... Candace needs your prayers right now!
7. Aleacia need a man....thats what it says
8. Charity ~ Charity Needs: Can you donate! Come on! You know you can!
9. Jennifer needs to take a cold shower.
10. Amber needs to go and, as the toilet is locked, she pees a lake on the garage floor. (GUESS I HAD TO GO REAL BAD!!! LMAO)
11. Sophie needs to make an appearance in canada...huh, do i now?
12. Mike- Needs, Recent and past columns from Akron Beacon Journal public editor Mike Needs. Contact Mike Needs at (330) 996-3860 or e-mail at ...
13. Ellie needs a place to stay. Beautiful Ellie needs a home. Ellie needs the water) --- Screamed at maximum volume when I turned off the garden hose she was spraying.Ellie needs help with suicidal thoughts. Ellie needs her little pleasures. Ellie needs to be crated when she is home alone. The last thing Ellie needs is to fall for the wrong guy. Ellie needs more then $ 8300 monthly to maintain her lifestyle. Ellie needs a husband or her father's odious fiancee will choose one for her. (Nur so, ich muss mich hier anders buchstabieren da sonst jeder denkt ich sei maennlich->"Eli=>I-lie")
Let me know what yours says.
Glöckchen - 23. Mär, 03:12